Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Giant Waves and New Work

This has been some fall, between power outages, family illness, trips to Washington D.C. and the largest waves in the Straits of Florida in over a decade. Why was that last one an issue? I was rocking and rolling on a big, bad boat.  The weather treated it like a bath toy. It actually inspired a new brooch.

I was on Nassau long enough to visit the National Gallery of the Bahamas, taking in a large retrospective of the local master painter Kendal Hanna. The artist was at the museum meeting with a collector at the time so we had the chance to speak with him, a wonderful unanticipated experience.

In between trips and storms, I've been making new work with newly sourced materials. I'm getting new colors and forms to multiply in a focused, playful way. I'm shipping things out tomorrow, then I'll have a breather to post some images.

1 comment:

mairedodd said...

can't wait to see... it is always wonderful when something unexpected sets off a flurry of ideas in one's mind...