Sunday, November 23, 2008

Jewelry Day at the Museum of Art and Design

The NJ Metal Arts Guild group met in New York for a day of activities. We started at Tiffany's as member Jackeline Martinez, Tiffany chaser and teacher, showed us her fine work. Then we headed over to the Museum of Art and Design for a public day of jewelry events .

The educational studios were put to use with some informative demonstrations. A SUNY New Paltz student demonstrated enameling techniques. I'd credit her for the tip of the day, but her name wasn't showing anywhere. She used wet cut paper as her stencil for sifting on dry enamel, when finished she simply rinsed it off in a container of water. She also showed the use of squeegee oil which she prefers to klyre-fire as a holding agent, unless you plan to use foil, because they don't work together. Her personal apporach was to start with dirty copper covered with layers of clear enamel, brought just to the point of being overfired. This developed a nice range of gold and green metallic effects. We saw her apply china paints or overglazes, fine particles of enamel combined with lavender or clove oil and thinning agent as desired, using a caligraphy pen. In a short time she demonstrated a range of techniques, fielding questions from a knowledgeable crowd. Hats off to her.

A slide presentation about CAD, from design to object, was offered as well. Afterwards, Ursula Neuman, the jewelry curator, gave an introduction to the history of art jewelry in America. She proceeded to describe the collection on display in the elegant jewelry gallery, which I understand is the only gallery in a museum built especially to house contemporary jewelry. There is enough there to warrent several visits.

Next we attended a panel discussion consisting of Jamie Bennett, Stanley Lechtzin, and Iris Eichenberg. In a nutshell, Bennett spoke of referencing jewelry history, but with a twist or with suspicion. Lechtzin is a true believer in creating meaning and relevance by embracing new technology (and its plastic products). Eichenberg, spoke to the importance of ideas as the basis for creating.

It was the first of such events Ursula Neuman will offer at the museum so keep your eyes open for future opportunities.

Okay, I forgot my camera, was actually sick, but running on adrenaline, so no pics. I noticed a video camera documenting the entire day. Perhaps the museum will have the video on their website eventually.

Jamie Bennett book "Edge of the Sublime: Enamels by Jamie Bennett" we all enjoyed looking at this. The museum shop would have sold several copies if they had them in the store.

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